Download this Biblical Case for what the Ancient Hebrews believed and wrote of in our Holy Scriptures:
Here is the original description below:
“I realize this may not go over well with the majority of globe believing Christians because most people in general will only believe what they have been taught their entire lives. It truly takes a humble heart and getting rid of the pride within to realize and admit you have been lied to so you are able see the truth. I’m not trying to cause problems in the Christian community, or trying to take the focus off of Jesus in anyway. In fact I believe this points us to him and allows those of us that already know him to strengthen our relationship.
I have no interest in a debate, the evidence on this channel over the last four years speaks for itself if God’s word is not enough. God has made it abundantly clear to me that this truth is extremely important for his children to hear especially today. I’ve done what I was called to do, where you go from here with this is up to you. I wish you all the very best!
God Bless,